Monday, January 25, 2010

Love this blog from another Music Together teacher

Once in while I get a reminder of how unusual the MT atmosphere is- today I had a visiting prospective mom and 2-year-old girl. The girl had a great time, jumped right in with the experienced kids on small and large movement, putting away instruments, concentrating and smiling in equal measure. It was a great class, ending with one of those magical lullabies when EVERYONE gets quiet and peaceful-and afterward the mom asked me nervously, "Is it always this chaotic?"

I thought back-let's see, there were kids lying in the middle of the circle, interrupting me, dancing when I wasn't dancing, and sometimes ignoring my brilliant teaching. And an experienced group of grown-ups just kept on making music together.

So I said, "No-sometimes it's much more chaotic!"

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Drum Collection rolls around again

What a deja vu experience for me today. I taught my first Music Together Drum class of 220 classes for this semester and can't believe what a journey I have been on since I attended my first Drum class 9 years ago.

Firstly, let me explain that I get to 220 class by taking the 22 classes I teach per week times the 10 week semester! Sounds like a lot but that I how I bring home the preverbial bacon.

My daughter, Ariella, was only 9 months old at the time and I was only 'trying out' the class. Who could have fathomed that in 9 years I would take the class, take the training, teach a little, teach a little more, teach a lot, buy the business, be totally self actualized and on the way to keep reinventing myself. I guess G-d can fathom that and for that I have to say (in the words of Garth Brooks) "sometimes I thank G-d for unanswered prayers.

Right now I say I will be teaching and loving children until I am 90 and can't carry my sound system BUT only G-d knows!